

We decided to create the world’s first live auction on Periscope. We wanted to turn Periscope’s likes feature (hearts) into currency.

But there was one problem. Periscope told us a real-time heart counter was impossible.

So, we created a workaround. A backend access point captured the data and fed our leaderboard allowing us to announce winners within milliseconds.

A new prize went up every hour, and fans bid with hearts instead of money. We auctioned everything from custom kicks to a year’s supply of WingStop. Whoever racked up the most hearts won.

Eventually, Periscope changed its API so others could follow in our footsteps and replicate what we achieved.


2017 Shorty Awards Finalist - Gold Distinction in Gaming


  • Over 26,000 unique fans tapped 816,686 hearts

  • An average of 6,395 hearts per minute

  • At the peak, 94.7 hearts per second--landed Wingstop on the top of Periscope's trending page

  • Users watched over 65 hours of live video, all in under 33 hours.

  • Our custom Wingstop custom Nikes found their way on to sneaker websites Complex Magazine's & Sole Collector.

  • Total Reach: 1.2MM



Executive Creative Director: Jason Elm

Creative Directors: Kris Layer, Aaron Caty, Katy Hornaday

Writer & Program Mechanics: Dorado Quick

Designer: Edwing Mendez, Jen Beck, David Hahn, Jason Hopkins

Engagement: Joe Cox

Community Manager: Jason Harper, Marissa Horwitz, Morgan Howell,

Account: Andy Pitts


Wingstop TV ad


Wingstop Winging Out ad